Youth Firesetter Program

Youth Firesetter Information Request

The City of Monroe Firesetter Prevention and Intervention Program provides specialized fire safety education for children ages 5-17 and target at-risk children and teens with an interest in or a history of starting fires, creating destructive incendiary devices or pulling fire alarms. By offering fire safety education instruction and community outreach presentations, the program helps reduce incidents of injury, property loss, and death.

The program is offered without charge and is geared toward children and teens in Monroe, GA. Life Safety Educators focus on fire safety in the home and strategies for preventing and reacting to home fires, all the while enforcing educational goals.

The City of Monroe Firesetter Prevention and Intervention Program operates under the protocols and mandates set forth by the Georgia Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner’s Office and the State Fire Marshal’s Youth Firesetter Intervention Program (YFIP).